PBM - Train by Series

Follow the PREMIER Body Method by series. Training by series is a complete catalog of all the various training components of the Premier Body Method. It is designed to be used as a quick reference tool for those whom have already completed a training course. Instead of taking you through an easy to follow training program session by session, in Training by Series, the training videos are broken down in to each of their respective series. This allows the user to quickly and efficiently navigate and look up any exercise training video by name. PBM’s Training be Series the perfect tool for online course graduates, professionals, as well as patients being prescribed specific training components by their practitioner.

Included in the PBM Train by Series Program

  • Level 1: Movement Fundamentals

    Level 1: Movement Fundamentals is all about the basics. Here you’ll learn the how to create a solid foundation for your body with correct core stability and Full Spinal Control, all while learning to move with proper biomechanics.

  • Level 2: Basic Functional Human Motion

    Level 2 introduces the three main movement mechanics of the human body. Here you will learn how to apply the basic fundamentals learned in Level 1 to the three major movement mechanics of the human body, hip hinging, pulling, and pressing motions, used for both exercise training and normal daily life.

  • Level 3: Functional Exercise Movement

    Level 3 teaches specific strength and conditioning exercises. Here you will learn how to apply your foundational and fundamental movement to all the higher level strength and conditioning exercises to get you in the best shape of your life with as little risk of injury as possible.

Level 1: Movement Fundamentals

Level 1: Movement Fundamentals is all about the basics. Here you’ll learn the how to create a solid foundation for your body with correct core stability and Full Spinal Control, all while learning to move with proper

Level 2: Basic Functional Human Motion

Level 2 introduces the three main movement mechanics of the human body. Here you will learn how to apply the basic fundamentals learned in Level 1 to the three major movement mechanics of the human body, hip hinging, pulling, and pressing motions, used for both exercise training and normal daily life.

Level 3: Functional Exercise Movement

Level 3 teaches specific strength and conditioning exercises. Here you will learn how to apply your foundational and fundamental movement to all the higher level strength and conditioning exercises to get you in the best shape of your life with as little risk of injury as possible.

Train by Series Course Curriculum

  • 01

    Premier Body Method - Train By Series

    • Train By Series

    • Level 1 Training Sheet - Movement Fundamentals

    • Level 2 Training Sheet - Basic Functional Human Motion

    • Level 3 Training Sheet - Functional Exercise Movement

  • 02

    Level 1 - Introduction to the Premier Body Method Training Program

    • How the Premier Body Method Training Program Works

    • How to Progress Through the Premier Training Program

  • 03

    Level 1 - The Core Bracing Series: The First Piece of Full Spinal Control

    • Core Stability Introduction

    • Pelvic Position: The Foundation

    • How to Engage Core Stability "ON"

    • Motor Memory: The Checklist

    • Finishing Touches and Core Bracing Review

    • Core Bracing Review

    • Heel Lifts

    • Advanced Heel Lifts on the Foam Roller

    • Heel Drives

    • Advanced Heel Drives on the Foam Roller

    • Fallouts

    • Advanced Fallouts on the Foam Roller

    • Ball Squeeze

    • Advance Ball Squeeze on the Foam Roller

  • 04

    Level 1 - Scapular Setting Series: The Second Piece of Full Spinal Control

    • Supine Scapular Setting

    • Prone Scapular Setting - Stage 1

    • Prone Scapular Setting - Stage 2

    • Prone Scapular Setting - Stage 3

    • Scapular Setting Series Review and Troubleshooting

  • 05

    Level 1 - Cervical Spin DNF (Long Neck) Series: The Third Piece of Full Spinal Control

    • Cervical Spine (DNF) - Stage 1

    • Cervical Spine (DNF) - Stage 2

    • Cervical Spine (DNF) - Stage 3

    • Cervical Spine Series Review and Trouble Shooting

  • 06

    Level 1 - Gluteal and Bridge Series

    • Gluteal Bridge - Stage 1

    • Gluteal Bridge - Stage 2

    • Gluteal Bridge - Stage 3

    • Side Lying Clam Shell

    • Side Lying Hip Abduction

    • Gluteal Bridge Series Review and Trouble Shooting

  • 07

    Level 1 - Dead Bug Series

    • Dead Bug - Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3

    • Dead Bug - Stage 1

    • Dead Bug - Stage 2

    • Dead Bug - Stage 3

    • Dead Bug Series Review and Troubleshooting

  • 08

    Level 1 - Bird Dog Series

    • Bird Dog - Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3

    • Bird Dog - Stage 1

    • Bird Dog - Stage 2

    • Bird Dog - Stage 3

    • Bird Dog Series Review and Troubleshooting

  • 09

    Level 1 - Wall Angle Series

    • Introduction to the Wall Angle Series

    • Wall Angle - Stage 1

    • Wall Angle - Stage 2

    • Wall Angle Series Review and Trouble Shooting

  • 10

    Level 2 - Basic Functional Human Motion

    • Introduction to Level 2

    • Level 1 Fundamental Warm Up

  • 11

    Level 2 - Hip Hinge Series

    • The Basic Hip Hinge:The First Main Category of Movement

    • The Basic Hip Hinge: One More Important Detail

    • The Basic Hip Hinge Summery

    • The Squat Movement Pattern

    • The Deadlift Movement Pattern

    • Crab Walks

    • Hip Hinge Series Review and Troubleshooting

  • 12

    Level 2 - Unilateral and Single Leg Stability Series

    • Single Leg Balance

    • Standing Hip Stability

    • Single Leg Balance With Eyes Closed

    • Unilateral and Single Leg Series Review and Trouble Shooting

  • 13

    Level 2 - Advanced Core Stability and Spinal Control Series

    • Basic Front Plank

    • Basic Side Plank

    • Front Plank with Extremity Movement

    • Side Plank with Extremity Movement

    • Advance Core Stability and Spinal Control Series Review and Trouble Shooting

  • 14

    Level 2 - Advance Scapular Control Series

    • W's

    • T's

    • Y's

    • Advance Scapular Control Series Review and Troubleshooting

  • 15

    Level 2- Rotator Cuff Series

    • Rotator Cuff Series Introduction

    • Rotator Cuff Exercises

    • Rotator Cuff Series Review and Troubleshooting

  • 16

    Level 2 - Basic Pulling Series

    • Introduction to the Pulling Series: The Second Category of Movement

    • Set Scapular Pull

    • Mid Rows

    • Bent Over Rows

    • Basic Pulling Series Review and Troubleshooting

  • 17

    Level 2 - Basic Pressing Series

    • Serratus Push

    • Push-Up Plus

    • Push-Ups

    • Basic Pressing Series Review and Trouble Shooting

  • 18

    Level 3 - Functional Exercise Movement

    • Introduction to Level 3

    • Level 2 Fundamentals Warm Up

  • 19

    Level 3 - Advance Hip Hinge Series

    • Introduction to Advance Hip Hinge Series: Advanced Squatting Exercises

    • Olympic Back Squats

    • Power Back Squats

    • Front Squats

    • Introduction to Advance Deadlifting Exercises

    • Romanian Deadlifts (RDL's)

    • Power Deadlift

    • Stiff/Straight Leg Deadlift

    • Introduction to Unilateral Hip Hinge Exercises

    • Split Squat

    • Lateral Squat

    • Step-Ups

    • Bulgarian Squats

    • Forward Lunges

    • Reverse Lunges

    • Lateral Lunges

    • Advanced Hip Hinge Series Review and Trouble Shooting

  • 20

    Level 3 - Advance Unilateral and Single Leg Stability Series

    • Standing Hip Stability with Eyes Closed

  • 21

    Level 3 - Advance Core Stability and Spinal Control Series

    • Plank Roll

    • Chops

    • Advance Core Stability and Spinal Control Series Review and Troubleshooting

  • 22

    Level 3 - Advanced Pulling Series

    • Introduction to Advanced Pulling Series

    • Mid Rows (Review from Level 2)

    • Low Row

    • High Row

    • Lat Pull Downs

    • Pull-Ups

    • Advanced Pulling Series Review and Troubleshooting

  • 23

    Level 3 - Advanced Pressing Series

    • Introduction to Advanced Pressing Series

    • Push-Ups (Review from Level 2)

    • The Bench Press and Bench Press Variations (Flat, Incline, Decline)

    • Dips

    • Advanced Pressing Series Review and Troubleshooting

  • 24

    Level 3 - Advanced Overhead Series

    • Introduction to Overhead Activity and the Overhead Holdout Exercise

    • Overhead Press

    • Curl to Overhead Press

    • Advance Overhead Series Review and Troubleshooting

  • 25

    The Strength and Conditioning Exercise Circuits

    • The Full Premier Warm Up

    • How to Performance the Strength and Conditioning Circuits

    • Circuit 1

    • Circuit 2

    • Circuit 3

    • Downloadable - Three Categories of Exercise Movement Master List

  • 26

    Stretching Series

    • Introduction to Stretching Series

    • Hip Flexor Stretch

    • Gluteal Stretch

    • Hip Rotator Stretch

    • Hamstring Stretch and Sciatic Nerve Floss

    • Lateral Groin Stretch

    • Straddle Stretch

    • Calf 2-Way Stretch

    • Pectoralis Stretch

    • Latissimus Stretch

    • Thoracic Spine Foam Roller Mobilization

    • Posterior Shoulder Joint (GHJ) Stretch

Instructor Bio:

PREMIER Body Method

Dr. Donnie was born and raised in southern California. As both a collegiate athlete and student, his academic strengths lead him to pursue the pre-med collegiate major of human biology and biochemistry at UCSB. He then continued his graduate and post-graduate education at Southern California University of Health Sciences, receiving his doctorate in 2008. His passions for sports, science, and the human body lead him to pursue his post-graduate specialty degrees in sports medicine, biomechanics, rehabilitation, sports nutrition, strength and conditioning, and sports performance. Dr. Richardson has worked for various USA National Governing Bodies with several different sports since 2008. During this time, he has served as both a team doctor and sports performance coach, traveling both nationally and internationally all over the world with our country’s elite athletes. His true passion is in the field of human movement education and bridging the gap between rehabilitation, basic strength and conditioning, injury prevention, health and fitness, and sports performance. The culmination of Dr. Richardson's work has led him to create the PREMIER Body Method. www.PremierBodyMethod.com or email Dr. Richardson directly at [email protected]

Dr. Donald Richardson DC, DACBSP, CSCS

PBM Instructor/Creator